Nostalgium Arcanum
A Repository For The Pop Culture That Made Us Who We Are
We found 10 episodes of Nostalgium Arcanum with the tag “film”.
80s Movies - Part 1
February 10th, 2025 | 2 hrs 14 mins
1980s, 80s, action, cinema, comedy, film, films, ghostbusters, horror, indiana jones, movie, movies, scifi, star wars
The films from 1980 to 1984, buoyed by genre hits like Star Wars, took flight with bold imaginative storytelling and state-of-the-art special effects, establishing many franchises that continue to this day. We're joined by guests Tania Newton and Ryan Merlo to rank our top ten movies from this incredible period.
Planes, Trains and Automobiles
November 25th, 2024 | 1 hr 55 mins
1980s, 80s, comedies, comedy, film, films, holiday, homeless, homelessness, john candy, john hughes, movie, movies, road trip, steve martin, thanksgiving
John Hughes' classic Thanksgiving story about Neal Page (Steve Martin) and Del Griffith (John Candy) questing home against geography and Murphy's Law combines stellar comedic performances and a heartbreaking (and ultimately heartwarming) twist to deliver an all-time holiday classic. Guest Dan Oster (MadTV, A Podcast, But Evil) tags along with us to make a meal of a film with far more substance than its Odd Couple trappings would suggest.
Also, please stick around to the end of the episode for special guest Michael Shepherd, who joins us for a discussion on what you can do to help those struggling with homelessness this holiday season.
Ernest Goes To Camp
November 11th, 2024 | 1 hr 58 mins
1980s, 80s, camp, cinema, comedies, comedy, ernest, film, films, jim varney, movie, movies
Hey Vern! We're joined by writer/comedian/filmmaker Tarik Davis (@tarikrdavis) to head off to Camp Kikakee with one Ernest P. Worrell. Despite its humble trappings this is, we maintain, a cinematic masterpiece. By the end of this podcast you'll know what we mean, knowwhatImean?
Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas
October 28th, 2024 | 2 hrs 4 mins
1990s, 90s, animated, animation, catherine o'hara, christmas, cinema, danny elfman, disney, film, films, halloween, horror, movie, movies, musical, musicals, puppet, puppets, stop motion, theater, tim burton, x-mas, xmas
This is Halloween! This is Halloween! For our final mainline October episode guest Matt Storm aka Stormageddon of the "Fun" and Games, and Reignite podcasts tricks and treats with us to revisit this masterclass in stop-motion animation that lets us celebrate two holidays for the price of one.
The Phantom Of The Opera (1925)
October 18th, 2024 | 2 hrs 3 mins
andrew lloyd weber, film, films, gaston leroux, halloween, hollywood, horror, leroux, lon chaney, makeup, movie, movies, musical, musicals, opera, paris, phantom, phantom of the opera, silent film, silent flims, silent movie, silent movies
We can't stay silent about the classic 1925 version of The Phantom of the Opera. From Lon Chaney's iconically inhuman make-up to his all-too-human performance, the film still thrills and chills nearly 100 years later. We're joined once again by writer/director of The Canyon, Alex Sosin, to venture into the depths below the Paris opera house and revel in the true face of what dwells within.
Killer Klowns From Outer Space
October 7th, 2024 | 1 hr 42 mins
1980s, 80s, alien, aliens, camp, campy, cinema, circus, clown, clowns, cult classic, cult film, film, films, halloween, horror, horror movies, movie, movies, scifi, slasher
Send in the Klowns, from light years away. Killer Klowns From Outer Space remains a kampy konfection of 1980s klassic horror that still thrills and chills with big top bombast. We're joined by comedians Rich Baker and Merry Mary Hynes to praise this film's tightrope-walking silliness that's as tasty as cotton candy and only slightly less deadly.
September 23rd, 2024 | 2 hrs 23 mins
1990s, 90s, bob hoskins, dustin hoffman, film, films, john williams, julia roberts, maggie smith, movie, movies, peter pan, robin williams, spielberg, steven spielberg
On this podcast we generally refuse to grow up, but this time we're thinking especially happy thoughts as we head back to Neverland for Hook with filmmaker Ken Cole. Steven Spielberg and Robin Williams' love letter to Peter Pan remains forever young, buoyed by John Williams' inimitable score, and best-in-class character work from Dustin Hoffman and Bob Hoskins.
2000s Movies: Part 2
September 2nd, 2024 | 2 hrs 47 mins
00s, 2000, 2000s, apatow, batman, cinema, comedies, comedy, coraline, dark knight, disney, film, films, judd apatow, marvel, mcu, movie, movies, neil gaiman, pixar, scorcese, seth rogen, the dark knight
The second half of the 00s found Hollywood taking fewer big swings, but the ones that connected found an audience hungry for something bigger and better. Our review-crew of Ami Lief, Ryan Merlo, and Tania Newton are back to discuss their nostalgic cinematic memories of 2005 to 2009.
2000s Movies: Part 1
August 26th, 2024 | 3 hrs 6 mins
00s, 2000s, action, cinema, comedy, film, films, horror, lord of the rings, movie, movies, pirates, romcom, sci-fi, scifi, spider-man
The first half of the 2000s was a time for building franchises, adapting IPs, and getting a jittery country back on its feet. In this episode our crew (Ami Lief, Tania Newton, and Ryan Merlo) join us to round-table our favorite films from 2000 to 2004, and all that jazz.
August 5th, 2024 | 2 hrs 11 mins
1970s, 70s, cinema, film, horror, john williams, marine, marine biology, movie, movies, ocean, oceanography, oceans, shark, shark week, sharks, spielberg, steven spielberg
Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the podcast, writer/director of horror short "The Canyon" Alex Sosin joins us to swim with sharks as we celebrate Steven Spielberg's aquatic horror blockbuster, Jaws. The film elevates a b-horror premise to an all-time maritime masterpiece.