Nostalgium Arcanum
A Repository For The Pop Culture That Made Us Who We Are
We found 1 episode of Nostalgium Arcanum with the tag “paul verhoeven”.
Total Recall
March 3rd, 2025 | 2 hrs 22 mins
1990s, 90s, action, arnold, arnold schwarzenegger, mars, paul verhoeven, philip k. dick, schwarzenegger, scifi, sharon stone, simulation, simulation theory, space
Get your ass to Mars! We're having total recall over Total Recall, one of Arnold Schwarzenegger's best films. Guest filmmaker Alex Sosin ("The Canyon") joins us to revisit Paul Verhoeven's take on Philip K. Dick that is relentlessly entertaining, funny, exciting, and over the top from the first frame to the last. Come do your best Arnold "nnyyaaarrrrgggh!" along with us for the memory of a lifetime.