Nostalgium Arcanum
A Repository For The Pop Culture That Made Us Who We Are
We found 1 episode of Nostalgium Arcanum with the tag “princess bride”.
80s Movies - Part 2
February 17th, 2025 | 3 hrs 9 mins
1980s, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 80s, action, cinema, comedy, disney, film, films, goonies, horror, indiana jones, john hughes, little mermaid, movie, movies, princess bride, rob reiner, scifi, steven spielberg
1985 through 1989 was the best period of filmmaking, period. Each of these years produced dozens of groundbreaking, blockbusting, genre defining, and unforgettable movies, making listing our top tens nearly impossible. Our review crew of Ami Lief, Ryan Merlo, and Tania Newton join us to close out our survey course of the best, of the best, of the best.